A review by so_many_books
Prodigal by TA Moore


 The synopsis made me pick this one up because it suggested a great mystery. I don't see a lot of romantic suspense with an MM love interest so paired with the kidnapping and fifteen years old unsolved case it was intriguing.

Sammy disappeared fifteen years ago and left behind a mother who can't accept what happened, a brother ruined by accusations and a best friend buried in guilt because he was the one who survived.

When new DNA evidence points to Morgan, he is dragged into a drama he never asked for. Some think he is the lost boy, some think he is just a con man. And Boyd, the best friend, thinks he's just a man with enough problems without inconclusive DNA evidence.

So the story is exciting. What happend 15 years ago, who is Morgan really, what does everyone else want.. A story to get rich by, a town that's finally not identified with a tragedy, a case to be finally closed and a family put to peace by some truth?

I kept wondering when will something finally come to light but this book was basically a big tease. I don’t know what to think about it. It was amazingly written and kept me in the dark about the case until the end but at the same time nothing really happened. The case did not really move forward. The characters (except from Morgan and maybe Boyd) did not develop. The assholy behaviour in this book was so strong I really wanted to punch something with all the false and wrongful accusations.

And at the end.. one thing was proved that we already guessed since the beginning... and the case, what happened, who did it? No. Answers. More questions. This book was a big tease and prolouge. I hope there'll be a sequel with actual investigations and answers because now I am frustrated as hell.