A review by leewicks
Liam Davis & The Raven by Anyta Sunday


Maybe a 3.25 stars, or a 3.5. Somewhere around there.

That was a good, easy read. Surprisingly good, in fact. Never the less, it didn't feel like a particularly strong story, in my opinion.

My favourite part of this book?

Hunter. He was definitely my favourite character. He was simply brilliant. His outlook on life, his confidence, his ability to make me laugh (even a couple of snort-laughs, which is a scary thing coming from me), and his relationship with the people around him. I don't think I've read many books where a character is in a wheelchair, and although it was important to the plot, I just found it to be realistic and honest, which I appreciated.

I also really liked Quinns general demeanour, the general flow of this story, and how easy it was to read.

When it comes to Liam though, I'm a little stumped as to what I want to say.
By the end of the book, I liked him as a character. He took a lot of warming up to, though I did however also find him to be very relatable. Is he autistic, or perhaps on the spectrum? I myself am, and a lot of his traits (intelligence, bluntness, how he thinks his decisions through in such detail) are common with people who you would find on the spectrum, though more along the higher-functioning end (like Aspergers, which is what I'm diagnosed with). Just a thought.

Also, I don't quite understand the attraction between Quinn and Liam, and there were also quite a few instances where I thought to myself "this is not how real people communicate!" (especially regarding a certain shower scene). Just saying.

However, I did like this story. The mystery element was pretty easy to keep up with (and for someone like me, that was kind of a big deal), the characters were fun, some elements of this book were refreshing, and I am definitely going to be picking up something else of the authors to read soon.