A review by sherleymarie
A Kiss by the Book by Christy Hayes


[b:A Kiss by the Book|21841897|A Kiss by the Book (Kiss & Tell, Book 2)|Christy Hayes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1396535338s/21841897.jpg|41070566]

***I was gifted with an ARC of this book for my honest review***

A Kiss by the Book really takes you into the reality of what is unplanned can happen. Although it happened in a weird way but it shows you that how its so true what they say... "you may have a plan but life has another plan for you as well"

In this case life kind of decided to hey I'm gonna do my own thing and bring the pain. Thats the best way to describe it. But things really do happen the way they should and when one door closes another opens. This was such an awesome read. I know there is a prequel to this book and I would like to pick it up and read it so I will be purchasing. Its nice being able to really get the whole story. Thank you for allowing me to read this it was such an awesome and great read!