A review by 10_4tina
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible Seriously But Not Literally by Marcus J. Borg

challenging slow-paced


The title and the blurb on the back felt so spot on for a Christina book. And then I read it and it was terrible. Heretical - not a word I use much, but it truly drifted so far away from fundamentalism that there wasn't truth left. I have been into the BEMA podcast lately and expected this book to be along those lines. Instead, the author minimizes Jesus, ignores biblical commands, and rewrites much of the old testament to be a gospel of social justice as opposed to a story of God redeeming His people. If I buy-into the conclusions of the author, I'm left feeling like the Bible isn't worthwhile and the author's version of Jesus is not even respectable. At the point at which I get to his conclusions, I'm not trying to keep the scriptures. I'm confused by the co-existence of Borg's conclusions and the Bible. 

I read all the way through and highlighted nothing. I certainly don't recommend this for Christians who believe the Bible to be true/authoritative even a little and also think that I wouldn't recommend it to non-Christians either. Why bother with the Bible if you don't think it's at least mostly true?