A review by gauriraut
Love in Colour: Mythical Tales from Around the World, Retold by Bolu Babalola



Points to note:
1) I was unfamiliar with all the stories, except one (coincidentally the one I gave the highest score to);
2) Was also, under the impression that the stories were going to be a contemporary retelling (my mistake).

Only a few stories were set in modern times and those were the ones I enjoyed the most. As those read the most distinct.

My problem with the other stories and characters was in the fact that they seemed to be stuck in the blurry limbo between mythological and historical.

The writing was nice (for the most part) and florid, but often felt superfluous. The telling exceeded the showing way too many times, making the characters feel like caricatures or figurines from history, unattainable and distant, which was a disappointed for me.

Most of the stories weren't fleshed out enough so when we reached the 'happy ending' it was jarring and abrupt. Also because of the lack of solid characterisation, repetitive use of certain adjectives, and a similar idea about love that most of the women featured had, the stories blurred into one another making the book a bit of a chore to finish.

Also, perhaps it's just me, but did all the female protagonists seem quick to judge other women in their stories? Like I thought this book was *not* about that?

However, it has made me curious to read (in the distant future) other works by the author.