A review by elderlingfool
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Did not finish book. Stopped at 63%.
I was avoiding doing this, but I have to. It feels like such a chore to go back to this book and it's a shame given how much I liked the first half, especially the first chapters.

I loved the first chapters. Those were very atmospheric and I liked getting to know Lazlo. What brought the most emotion out of me was when Lazlo got the work of his life stolen. I was so enraged! Then, the plot starts and I slowly started to lose interest. I much preferred Lazlo as a librarian than as an adventurer.

Even though I wasn't as invested when the adventure started, I was still liking the book. I was curious about Sarai, the others and their powers. I didn't like the time jump and that suddenly Lazlo was surrounded by new characters that weren't fleshed out though. 

It also seems like the writing ceased being as beautiful as it was in the first chapters. I don't know if that is just my impression because I wasn't enjoying it as much, but it looked really simple after 200 pages or so.

The main problem for me is that the book is too long and it gets repetitive in some parts. I prefer books to be short if they are meant to feel like fairy tales. As it is, I stopped caring about everything.

I don't care anymore about the plot or the characters I used to like. When I realized that I decided to give up on the book. I am completely fine not knowing how it ends. It's a shame because I really loved some elements of this book. I might reread the first chapters in the future.