A review by wollstonecrafty
The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel


SO VERY GOOD!!!!!!!! I need to reread it because I just kept thinking about how much I enjoyed it. also a little mad at how much this was bait for my interests -- I now want to email alison bechdel this quote from wollstonecraft's letters. I want to talk about waterfalls and the Romantics with her!!! and how there is no real apogee of life!!!

"Reaching the cascade, or rather cataract, the roaring of which had a long time announced its vicinity, my soul was hurried by the falls into a new train of reflections. The impetuous dashing of the rebounding torrent from the dark cavities which mocked the exploring eye produced an equal activity in my mind. My thoughts darted from earth to heaven, and I asked myself why I was chained to life and its misery. Still the tumultuous emotions this sublime object excited were pleasurable; and, viewing it, my soul rose with renewed dignity above its cares. Grasping at immortality—it seemed as impossible to stop the current of my thoughts, as of the always varying, still the same, torrent before me; I stretched out my hand to eternity, bounding over the dark speck of life to come."