A review by eeclayton
Four Blondes by Candace Bushnell

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
I read the first story, then tried and DNFed the other three. 

The first story was about a selfish and shallow woman who spent each of her summers at the Hamptons in a different rich guy's house. I kept hoping the story would arrive at some kind of a message or she would be taught a lesson, but no. Neither happened. 

The second story was about a married couple, and it could have been a pair of interesting character studies, but the constant use of comments in parentheses drove me mad and I just couldn't go on. 

The third story was a woman's diary. I'm sure that the author intentionally made her sound completely unbearable, but again, I just couldn't go on. 

The fourth story was about a woman from New York trying her luck on the London marriage market. It was full of prejudice about British people, and I had just lost interest by this point. 

To sum it up, I found nothing of the insight or the flawed but likable characters of Sex and the City. Everyone was shallow and annoying. What a disappointment.