A review by writervid
There's Something about Sweetie by Sandhya Menon



I'm always charmed by Sandhya Menon's writing, and this was no different! Sweetie was adorable and kind, and Ashish charmed me the second he stepped on the page (although I already really liked him after When Dimple Met Rishi). I liked their character arcs and their interactions and I loved how the parents were woven into their lives. So often in YA there's not much about the parents, which, as a teenager, feels HIGHLY unrealistic, so I loved seeing familial relationships playing such a big role in the book. It was also so cool to see a fat Indian protagonist!

The negatives, which there are not a lot of, is that I wish there had been less info-dumping and telling. Sweetie and Ashish in their inner monologues kept checking themselves saying things like "I could tell I was falling for her," and they got to the love stage REALLY quickly. And I loved their romance! But all the same, it felt very quick, and the whole self-aware comments throughout felt very much like their romance was being overstated. Since I'm in the moment, I can see what's happening from how you act around each other; I don't need to be told again.

All in all, an enjoyable read, and a welcome break from exam season. I'm happy I read it!