A review by gabbylovesbooks28
Stay by A.L. Jackson


Stay is my new favorite in The Bleeding Stars series!! My heart is filled with love for this book and for Willow and Ash. LOVE!!! I knew I was going to love Ash. He was always my favorite throughout the series. What I didn’t know was how much I’d love Willow too. She and Ash together have the right combination of love and passion. They’re amazing together. After reading Stay, my obsession with this series only grew.

Willow finds Ash passed out and severely beaten in front of her store. She saves his life. When Ash finds an opportunity to help Willow he takes advantage and hires her to redesign his bedroom. Their attraction to each other is instant and fueled with desire. Only Willow is a forever girl and Ash refuses to fall in love. Ash knows he should stay away from Willow but instead he asks, for the 2 months it takes to finish his bedroom, to pretend to be together. She knows she’ll fall hard for him and he knows he’ll hurt her when he leaves.

God! These characters are EVERYTHING! Willow. I adore her. She’s sweet and vulnerable. Her parents, her sister and her ex-fiancé have left her feeling alone but her strength to get through all her heartache is awe-inspiring. And Ash. My favorite swoony, cocky, broken Ash! I heart him so much. When I first read Drowning to Breathe, I wanted his story. You could tell there would be so much more behind his playboy ways. It’s so much better then I could have ever hoped for. I could say this a billion more times. I love this book and these characters.

It is impossible to read an AL Jackson book and not feel things. AL Jackson’s writing is angsty but beautiful. She’s detailed but not where it overloads you. It’s almost poetical or lyrical. It’s perfection. Reading Stay, it is easy to shut out the world and get lost in this fantastic storyline and equally phenomenal characters. You do not have to read the other books in the series to read Stay but they’re all really really good too.