A review by plattcraig
Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller


Henry Miller is major. A conduit of all things American. An expatriot. A New Yorker, a sex fiend, a romantic and a realist. He took Rimbaud's A Season in Hell to the hilt. He lost his innocence so long ago, but maintained his poetic nerve. A precursor to the Beats and to Bukowski, he drank and sexed his way through New York and then Paris and had thousands of words at the tip of his tongue to describe the most mundane of things.

Tropic of Capricorn is his attempt to explain the urgency he found to write. i loved this book. Difficult, lecherous, and ultimately a pure literary challenge. Miller is a reminder of why we write. Why we never stop trying. Lightning can strike, you just need to stay out in the rain and search for it.