A review by eesh25
A Hunger Like No Other by Kresley Cole


2.75 Stars

Male: Lachlain MacRieve (Lykae, meaning werewolf)
Female: Emmaline Troy (half Vampire, half Valkyrie)
Plot: He finally escapes 150 of torture and comes across his (soul) mate. So he kidnaps her (smart, I know).

This is one of my least favourite books in the series. I get that Lachlain was tortured for over a century and that he's a little out of practice with civilized behaviour. But he scared poor Emma, who isn't even a 100 yet (though he didn't know she was that young), out of her ever-loving mind. It made me uncomfortable. I mean seriously dude, stop trying to sleep with her!

And that's not all. The story wasn't all that great for me either. Lachlain's need for revenge and Emma looking for her father, it was all not done that well. I wasn't really into the story.

Still, it wasn't all bad. We got introduced to new parts of the world and Lachlain realized that kidnapping wasn't the way to go. Emma grew into herself, started to trust herself and her decisions. Their relationship worked out in the end as well. That's one of the best parts of the series; no matter what happens, no relationship ends up toxic or unhealthy.

The Warlord Wants Forever
