A review by caseytogo
You Have a Match by Emma Lord


In 2020, Tweet Cute by Emma Lord reignited my love and habit of reading while being stuck in what would become the longest lockdown in North America.

I was so excited to learn 2021's continuance of said lockdown would include new writing from her in the form of You Have a Match.

Not going to lie, I struggled with it at first. The amount of conflicts in the first 40% of the book left feelings of "can't we get one of these over with?" I almost temporarily DNF'd it because I didn't have a desired outcome, and I felt that was a problem. I wanted to pick a side.

Once I got into the second half of the book, it got MUCH better. The camp aspects were fun, and the character development improved to the point I wanted more.

The only thing that put a damper on it was the odd, unrealistic parental cameos and dialogues, and a sudden switcheroo of attitudes that came with them.

Looking back at the camp tales, there's also a cheek kiss I didn't understand but I'll leave it at "something to be cute."

In terms of love and summer romance, #JusticeForFinn.

Looking forward nonetheless to more Lord!

My Stats for You Have a Match:
- 4.8 hours of reading
- 22 avg. minutes per session
- 1.9 avg. pages per minute