A review by caseroo7
The Play by Karina Halle


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Wow Karina Halle really did it again with The Play! The way this book started off, I just knew that this book was going to be amazing yet at the same time wreck me. I have loved everything I have read by Karina, but I have to say that there is just something about her sexy McGregor guys that gets me each time! The Play features Lachlan McGregor who fans of The Pact and The Offer will recognize as Bram and Linden's cousin and Kayla Moore who is friends with both Stephanie and Nicola and shares a bit of history with Linden. I couldn't put this book down, and I really loved it.

Kayla Moore is tired of one-night stands and always feeling like a third wheel with her friends, so she puts herself on a dating and sex strike. But when she meets Lachlan McGregor, she begins to rethink her choices. Talked into writing an article to help out Bram's cause, she interviews Lachlan and things between them become too hard for either of them to fight. Though Lachlan is set to go back to Scotland, they decide to spend the little time he has left in America together. But when Lachlan asks Kayla to go with him when he returns home, Kayla must decide if the risk of something with Lachlan is worth leaving behind her entire life.

I really loved Lachlan. I have to say that Karina probably set a record with how quickly she tugged my heartstrings here, and I was instantly invested in Lachlan's story. It absolutely broke my heart what he had been through, and I couldn't have loved him more. Lachlan struggled so much, but he was such a great person. His capacity for love and good was beyond what you could ever imagine for someone who had been through what he had. Kayla was so much more than you first see, and I really liked getting to see who she really was. She was fun and feisty and yet she had a vulnerable side that most never saw. I really thought that these two were perfect for each other, and it really felt like they were two outsiders who had finally found the place that they belonged. They had explosive chemistry and you could see the attraction, but it was their intense connection and bond that made these two so special.

Overall, this was a really great story and I loved Lachlan and Kayla. I loved how much Lachlan gave back to the dogs that he rescued, and that he cared so much. It wasn't just a charity to make himself feel better, but was who he was and what he was passionate about. I have always believed in helping strays and animals that need help, so to see that as such a large part of a story was really moving for me. There are so many animals in this world that need help and are unable to ask for it, and I loved that Lachlan did as much as he did. I also really loved that this is something that Karina Halle feels so much about personally that she decided to donate a portion of her sales for The Play to animal charities. Not only is Karina Halle a beautiful writer, but it just shows how big her heart is as well. This book is one of my favorites of Karina's and I know that fans of hers will love this story! If you are new to Karina's books this is a great place to start and I would definitely recommend checking out her other books as well! I cannot wait to see what Karina writes in the future, but whatever it is I know I will be reading it!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**