A review by whaydengilbert
Room to Dream by David Lynch


I always prefer to listen to nonfiction and read fiction, so as much as I feel like audiobooks are "cheating" (especially when counting towards my reading goal), I enjoy hearing the likes of my favorite artists tell me stories. Room to Dream is an invaluable resource for anyone who is a Lynch fan. It made me want to go back and rewatch everything again! Something I haven't done since leading up to Twin Peaks the Return back in 2017z

There are not as many new stories (or words in general) on Twin Peaks or Fire Walk With Me as I would've liked, but nearly everything else is covered extensively by McKenna and with fun anecdotes brought in by Lynch himself. The chapter devoted to his early life in Idaho is simply sublime. Very surreal in its hills and valleys and fluidity of memory.

I really want to pick up the book and start from the beginning though, because I've thumbed through a bit and noticed the written word and spoken word for Lynch's sections are very different. Not just in terms of wording (truncating rambles and whatnot) but also content. It makes me wonder how the process actually went, because I would hope no one is making up words for David Lynch, as the man can clearly speak for himself.

Also, after this and Catching the Big Fish, and pretty much any interview he's ever done, I speak for everyone when I say, like, just freaking TELL US how to meditate transcendentally already!