A review by arwenauthor
Lost In Translation: Misadventures in English Abroad by Charlie Croker, Louise Morgan



Borrowed and consumed cover to cover in an hour or so (oops!). The warning about not reading on public transport is very apt; I was actually laughing out loud on a number of occasions. Very simple premise, but completely brilliant. Here are a few of my favourites (there are lots more):

CHINESE temple: Please take one step forward and crap twice.

Hotel in JAKARTA: Please tell the public not to kill themselves on hotel property if they want to die. It only confounds us. They can do it in the river for example.

Road sign in JAPAN: STOP. Drive sideways.

SWISS hotel: Because of the impropriety of entertaining guests of the opposite sex in the bedroom, it is suggested that the lobby be used for this purpose.

Menu in JAPAN: Buttered saucepans and fried hormones
Strawberry crap

There are many more, not sure I've chosen the best ones. It's split into sections like menus, road signs, hotels, instruction manuals etc and it would be a great book to read on a long journey, even with the impropriety of laughing aloud.