A review by tandewrites
The Girl Who Steals Christmas by C.G. Drews


When Moxie finds her little sisters screwed up letter to Santa in the bin, she decides to bully Christmas to life. I was not surprised by the beautiful chaos in this short story – it’s something that Drews seems to specialise in. She is a master of blending the dramatic, the humorous and the heart-warming.

The one issue I had with ‘The Boy Who Steals Houses’ was that Sam and Moxie’s relationship felt like a replica of Beck and August from Drews’ first book, and therefore Moxie felt like a copy of August, so I was interested to read this short story and understand Moxie’s character before she met Sam. The additional content and context that this story provided made her character so much more relatable, and I found myself falling in love with her personality and her determination.