A review by renee_conoulty
Chapter One: You have the power to change stuff by Daniel Flynn


I came across this book via the book launch video, which I found so inspirational that I followed the link and bought myself a copy straight away. Here's a link to the video - https://youtu.be/Yx44cXeKC7s

Chapter One is an inspirational, biographical account of the first eight years behind the scenes of the Australian social enterprise Thankyou. It tells of how the author, Daniel, with the help of many others, took his idea of developing a brand to sell products and donate all the profits to charity. It started with bottled water - 100% of the profits going to build wells in developing countries to ensure clean water supply for those in need. It has since progressed to food and personal care items.

Because all the profits from existing products go to charity and Thankyou not having shareholders, money for expansion into other areas needed to be found - so here is Chapter One - a pay what you want book currently available in ebook (I got because I was too impatient to wait for the postman) and landscape printed paperback. I believe there is an audiobook in production too.

Daniel is bold and charismatic, enthusiastic about his social enterprise, which all comes through in his writing. I couldn't help but feel inspired too. He shares the good days as well as the bad days. He uses his experiences to demonstrate what can happen if you try, but not in a braggy way. He shares tips and advice, wisdom that he has picked up along the way, and encourages everyone who reads it to be brave and just start.