A review by sempiternal_books
Pride by Ibi Zoboi


“Its a truth universally acknowledged that when rich people move into the hood, where it’s a little bit broken and a little bit forgotten, the first thing they want to do is clean it up. But it’s not just the junky stuff they’ll get rid of. People can be thrown away too, like last night’s trash left out on sidewalks or pushed to the edge of wherever all broken things go. What those rich people don’t always know is that broken and forgotten neighborhoods were first built out of love.” -Ibi Zoboi, Pride

I was super excited to read Pride. It’s modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice. But having never actually read Pride and Prejudice I can’t really compare the two. But the cover was so beautiful and I got a copy in owl crate (I think) so I figured I’d give it a try.

I loved loved loved the theme of gentrification. Especially because the story is set in Bushwick! I also loved the clash of cultures. (Which I’m pretty sure is on parr with p&p so I won’t go into detail.)

This book definitely had its moments, but I didn’t find myself pulled into the story. The characters could have been stronger, all of them fell flat for me but they deserved to be fleshed out a little more. Also, none of them were very likable.

And I know this was an enemies to lovers thing but I wasn’t really convinced when Zuri’s feelings changed. It just didn’t sit well because I didn’t *feel* it. It just didn’t seem believable to me.

Based off other reviews, if you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice there’s more for you to appreciate about this retelling. Lots of other people have said it was really cool how the author remixed the story. But alas, I have not really the original so there wasn’t much in it for me. Maybe I shouldn’t read retelling without first being familiar with the original. Lolol.

Overall 3/5 stars!