A review by booksuperpower
The Salty Dog by Debbie White


Salty Dog by Debbie White is a 2014 publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is a short contemporary romance laced with sentimentality about life's ups and downs and in betweens. A sweet dog compliments the story all the way though and helped make the story charming.

When Libby followed her husband Luke's dream, she left behind the big city life she so loved. She was not the most content person when it came to this new way of life in the seaside community of Bodega, but she had finally adjusted when suddenly Luke was gone. Now, she has two businesses to run and times are hard. This is not the life she had envisioned for herself. But, Libby has no choice but to continue to work hard to keep things afloat while each and every day she misses Luke and tries to cope with his loss.
When two men come into her life she is suddenly thinking about her future in a whole new light. She has not one interested party, but two. Which one will she decide on and is she really ready to let Luke's memory go?

Well, first of all I loved Harley, the dog. His constant loyalty and companionship got Libby through some dark days.
I do have to complain just a little about how Libby was always the one who sacrificed everything for the man in her life. Both Luke and her new boyfriend had an “it's all about me or else” attitude and poor Libby ended up being the one to do all the sacrificing. On the bright side, she was stuck living Luke's dreams and although she had adjusted to the seaside area and her businesses meant a lot to her, I still had the feeling her heart wasn't all in it. So, in the end I was happy for Libby and her choices of who to share her life with.
I enjoyed the character development as Libby realizes she is still holding on to Luke and that she hasn't been totally fair about some things. Her good friend, Avery is there for some really sage advice and she turned out to be one of my favorite characters in the book. I also enjoyed the maturity of the characters from an age standpoint. These were not twenty somethings just out of college, but older people dealing with real life. This is a wonderful thing for me to see in a contemporary setting.
Overall this is the story of a woman who had some really bad breaks, who was making lemonade from life's lemons, or trying to, then she gets a second chance at love. It was not the easiest journey, but when all the kinks are finally worked out you get the feeling Libby's life will be a much fulfilled.
This is an enjoyable read with much depth and feeling. 4 stars