A review by chocolatemeerkat
Darkest Hour Before Dawn by Charlie Cochet



So I was really disappointed in this book for a number of reasons one being lack of actual plot and two the use of attempted rape as a plot device when it really didn't need to be there. Add that with the victim blaming afterwards this was just a recipe for disaster. It is never okay to blame the victim and whether the it was intended to or not its how it came across in this book. It was handled poorly

Hudson because of a scene earlier with the dead boys mother decides no his relationship with Seb is to broken so lets try one more date. If it goes no where then he will deal with it. So he goes out with skeeve ball already tried to assault Dex, Trent. Mind you no one in this book told him by the way Trent said some unsavory things about marked people and tried to jump Dex. RAFE even has the chance to tell Hudson this earlier in the book. Has the perfect chance to but no one warns him like hey stay away from him. So the date goes south. Trent invites a couple or creeps earlier they all make a pass Hudson leaves and then they jump in alley and beat the shit out if him while trying to rape him. He gets away because literal grenade. This then instead of the 10 other times Hudson and Seb could have figured out their shit like adults to get back together. This scene really was not needed and neither was Trent and his skeeve.

But wait there is more! Everyone then blames Hudson for Sebs stupid decision to go after Trent and no lets Hudson to have time to process his attack and take the proper steps foward. There is a lot of unfair blaming of Hudson in this book which is really unlike the author. She has handled this material before with betrer grace than this. There were better ways to get them back together than attempted rape. Its a poorly used trope and you can really pick better ways to advance a plot.

There was no plot to this book either. It meandered for 200 pages and really did not do justice to Hudson or Sebasitan.

The only positive thing I have to say about this book is Taylor and how he is portrayed.