A review by gbliss
The Sherlockian by Graham Moore


An incredible debut by a very young and very talented writer. The story alternates between a present-day mystery be sleuthed out by a Sherlockian and a period mystery where Conan Doyle and Bram Stoker take the lead. The period piece is filled with great historical details, interesting tidbits about Conan Doyle and his friendship with the man who gave us Dracula and the present story has charm and opens up the world of today's hard core Holmesiophiles. As opposed to what could easily happen, BOTH stories are intriguing and appealing and Moore balances the two stories and their ultimately intertwined plotting with real ability. While the plot -- the game(s) that is/are afoot -- captures your attention, and their is a wealth of Holmes trivia and detail to satisfy devotees, I found the occasional musings on the nature of mystery stories, their elemental and enduring appeal to be the most interesting part of this story. Moore is clearly a very bright and well educated writer. His love of mysteries goes back to childhood (alluded to with a charming dedication!) and he is, through writing this story, thinking about the power of mysteries.

And now, back to the cannon for me.