A review by gbdill
Jackdaws by Ken Follett


This will be placed on my top three WWII/Holocaust-era book list. Although a work of fiction, it is based on actual events.

In a nutshell, the story is about six trained British female agents (called The Jackdaws), flown to Nazi-occupied France disguised as cleaning women to infiltrate a major communications line between France and Germany and to destroy it. Thus, interrupting the Nazi's main communications with HQ and helping to prepare the way for the eventual D-Day invasion several days later.

The action and drama are non-stop. There were more than several tense scenes in the book. Follett writes the narrative in such a way that it seems you were right there along with Flick, Michel, and unfortunately, their nemesis, Dieter Franck.

This is one of my favorite Follett novels and I look forward to reading more by him.