A review by ria_mhrj
All for You by Lynn Kurland


This is book 14 in an ongoing series and the first book I have read by Lynn Kurland. It should have been a problem and yet I enjoyed myself immensely and am keen to read earlier entries in the series.

There is no escaping the fact that this book is SILLY. Everyone is very blasé about time travel and class and ghosts and all kinds of shenanigans which would provoke a much stronger reaction from sane people placed in a similar position, but once you adjust to the silliness, it's easy to have fun.

I liked Peaches and Stephen a lot. The whole set up is the kind of story I lap right up (enemies-to-lovers, Darcy and Elizabeth style) and I was cheering for them throughout. The first foray to the past happens about half way through the book and was surprisingly brief - I think I would have preferred a bit more of a challenge and a lengthier jaunt, but no matter.

Unfortunately, I lost some enthusiasm as we trundled towards the conclusion. A lot of plot needs to be covered before the book can conclude, but there was obviously a restriction on the number of words Ms. Kurland could employ. In true Forsterian style ("The funeral was over") we would see characters outlining a plan by the end of one chapter, only for the start of the next chapter to leap frog the event in question and deal with the aftermath. Which is a shame, as there was lots of fun to be had with these events and I felt like I was being rushed.

That grumble aside, I still had a lot of fun reading All For You and I am definitely interested to read more from this labyrinthine series, even though I am unsure which one to read next...