A review by logrhys
Nefando by Mónica Ojeda


"Nefando" is trauma porn, and although it's pretty self-aware that it's trauma porn, that doesn't make it any better. I do think Ojeda wants to convey an actual message about humanity and desire, but I'm not positive she really knows what that message is. She attempts way too many metaphors for way too many things, most of which seem to just be words strung together to sound cool and deep instead of actually having a meaning. If you're going to write a pretentious-sounding book, you need to at least know what you're being pretentious about. It was so dense with ultimately meaningless metaphor and language that I gave up around page 100 and skimmed through the rest of the book instead of trying to wade through.
In conclusion, I really did not like this book. Either admit you're just writing disturbing content for the shock value, or actually make whatever point you're pretending to hint at.