A review by a_robin_reads
How to Be Ace: A Memoir of Growing Up Asexual by Rebecca Burgess


  • Netgalley ARC
  • Reading more nonfiction challenge

Review previously placed on my blog:

I'm currently reading How to be ace by Rebecca Burgess. Reading the ebook I got from Netgalley. Reading this for my Reading more nonfiction challenge.

Enjoying this so far, but it is also a lot to take in. It's also annoying to read as an ebook, so therefore not the nicest reading experience. The story is interesting so far though.

I'm not rating this book, because I didn't completely read it and I just didn't vibe with it at all. The subject is very good and interesting, but it isn't brought up a lot. On the other hand there were a lot of other topics discussed and it just got too much for me. Way too depressing to read for me. There wasn't anything uplifting in this book (read 60%). So yeah, not for me. 
