A review by czytatnik
Five Deaths for Seven Songbirds by John Everson


~Thanks to NetGalley for my eARC~

3 stars

The longer I think about this book, the more wrongs I can see in it. I mean, it was fun to read and quite entertaining at that, but I just can't get over some things that were there and are bothering me now that I’ve read it and have had some time to think about it. There are small things like Eve’s constant whining about how nobody likes her because she’s from the US and much bigger things like writing off an abuse of power which is getting students naked and taking photographs of them by the esteemed professor. Yep, you’ve read that one just right.

In between those two misgivings, there is much more. Sometimes I was asking myself whether it is my lack of understanding the language or there is some big mistake in the plot. Well, I’ve checked that just to be sure and unfortunately, it was a case of overlooking what the characters were saying a few pages ago. I can live with that however as it was entertaining me enough to not be boring or otherwise overly terrible. I think I just don’t have very high demands when it comes to this type of book.

I liked enough the plot when it came to murders, that it was getting more and more shown in the book and at the same time they have escalated in their nefariousness. On the other hand, how come the police never really investigated them? It might be the difference between countries but it’s just too convenient that the school was never closed, even for one day, so the police can run a thorough search. Very convenient indeed for the author so his murderer couldn’t be caught too early. Same convenience was applied when it comes to the time passing in this story. It was so confusing to keep track of what month it is or even time of the day that at some point I just gave up. It was impossible to tell how it had happened that she just woke up and went for the first classes in the day and in the next line all of a sudden it was already evening and they’re all sitting in some bar or other drinking beer. I could go on and on on this topic so let’s just park it here.

This book was entertaining enough upon reading it, but don’t make the same mistake as I did and don’t think too much about it.