A review by sgarrett27
Bound by Aleatha Romig


Bound is the conclusion to the AMAZING Tangled Web series.

Aleatha Romig never fails to create a page turning, keeps you on the edge of your seat thriller. She definitely delivers with this trilogy.

I have to note that these books HAVE to be read in order for any of them to make sense. The first book is Twisted, followed by Obsessed and concludes with Bound.

There are so many plot twists that will keep your head spinning but are truly a work of art. Aleatha Romig can write twists like no one I’ve ever read but never loses the reader. Some books can have you questioning your sanity at the end but the Tangled Web series is just perfection.

I fell in love with these characters, Kader and Laurel. They both develop so much over the span of this trilogy and are so amazingly strong in their own rights.

I won’t delve too much into this story as I don’t want to give anything away. However, I have to say that I absolutely loved the way this trilogy ended and I seriously can’t wait for the next trilogy due to start releasing in January 2020.

Have you been Aleatha’d? Because I have!