A review by thenerdycowgirl
A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout


I enjoyed it but not as much as the previous 2.

I reread both the previous books right before reading this one so they were fresh in my mind and I actually enjoyed the beginning and seeing the juxtaposition between her initial time with Ash and her current time with Kolis, and seeing how he responded compared to the way Ash responded to similar situations and what a messed up monster he is.

But what i didn’t like was the ending. *Possible spoilers* but i think since there’s one more book it should’ve ended with her ascension.

“Essence wrapped and churned around me, crackling and spitting sparks, encasing me in its light until it was all i saw. All i became.” End. Boom!

I would’ve been SO hyped for the next book! What does that mean?! Did she survive? What does that mean for the rest of the primals? Etc. But instead we end with stuff that would’ve been the perfect beginning to the next book, Ash speaking to her through her stasis reminded her of their memories and such. Then the last 50 pages is literally NOTHING but them screwing over and over! Ugh!