A review by bhnmt61
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote


True crime is not an interest of mine, but Harper Lee and Truman Capote are, so I thought I should read this. If it had been a long-form magazine article, I would have enjoyed it much more. But to make a full-length book, Capote has to go into great detail on the background of various characters and add long descriptive passages of different locales that were information overload for me. All in all, I can admire the writing, and the murder case certainly has a grisly fascination, but I can’t say it has moved me to want to read more books of this type in the future.

p.s. If you’re a Harper Lee fan, although she was intimately involved in the research for this book, moving to the area for weeks to conduct interviews and research, and returning a time or two, she is barely mentioned in the book. Good companion read with Furious Hours.