A review by krb_615
Daughters of Jubilation by Kara Lee Corthron


I know Kara Lee Corthron as a playwright first and a novelist second. She’s a gifted storyteller in both genres, stitching elegant and surreal tales about race and femininity. In Daughters of Jubilation, Corthron reclaims the magical negro trope, inserting Blackness into the world of fantasy fiction.

Due to her dramatic background, Corthron’s strength lies in dialogue, in character voice. Daughters of Jubilation’s first person narration crackles with life. Corthron’s prose captures Evvie’s effervescence, making her headspace an intriguing place to be.

Through Daughters of Jubilation, Kara Lee Corthron expands her reach as a storyteller and provides us with another diverse fantasy novel to decolonize the genre. If you want a quirky and dark fantasy read, be sure to pick this one up.

3.5 stars

Full review: https://link.medium.com/kc5R2kSRuab