A review by thenia
A Kiss of Blood: A Vamp City Novel by Pamela Palmer


Quinn's story continues and so does her unhealthy attachment to her brother.

The two siblings are out of Vamp City, but leaving has apparently caused something to go wrong with Quinn's brother and once again, she's determined to do anything and everything she can to save him. That decision and the vampire who helped but also betrayed her, Arturo Mazza, lead them back to Vamp City and a race against time to learn how to use her sorceress powers to save that much hated city for her brother's sake.

Quinn is stubborn and ignorant, but unwavering, spending all of her time focused on her goal and not really caring about anyone but her brother.

You push away anyone who could possible care about you. Why is that

Arturo, who has come to care for her quite a bit, does everything he can to help her and gain back her trust.

Their adventure finally leads them to the moment they were working towards and her chance to use her powers and save Vamp City, but
Spoilerrightly so, she fails to do it, hampered as she is with the curse of part of her bloodline and still pretty much a novice at sorcery

Their journey doesn't end here, but they now have another objective and more plans to make in the next book of the series [b:Of Blood and Passion|20652002|Of Blood and Passion (Vamp City, #3)|Pamela Palmer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1430331895s/20652002.jpg|39947098].