A review by meigothic
Second Chances in New Port Stephen by TJ Alexander


Disclaimer: I received a review copy for via NetGalley, and am voluntarily and happily sharing my honest thoughts. Many thanks to the publisher, Atria Books, for the opportunity!

3.5 rounded up. I really enjoyed the setup of this one, and loved the way that TJ approached the situation overall. There were some great moments with both sides of the MC's families here, and I adored Eli's parents for trying their best. The relationship that Nick had with his ex-wife and daughter was also an interesting one, and it was nice to see healthy divorced family dynamics. Nick's dad was also a great addition, and I felt so much for Laurie as the small dose of unhealthy familial ties with Kay was well-depicted (and I'm glad it was just a pinch because I could not handle more right now