A review by laceyfrance
The Clover Chapel by Devney Perry


I found that the events leading up to this couple’s coming together to be rushed and unbelievable, and this played a huge part on my lack of maximum enjoyment of the rest of the story. I mean, who’d do what they did so quickly? They didn’t even have the excuse of “we were so drunk we didn’t know or remember what happened the night before” to fall back on. The fact that it all happened at the VERY beginning of the book didn’t help, either. I can usually overlook things like this, but for some reason I just couldn’t do that with this particular book. Maybe because it just seemed like an extremely out of character thing for sane people to do. Idk. This was very disappointing to me because I very much enjoyed The Coppersmith Farm House and I am certain I could have enjoyed this one nearly as much if I felt the relationship between Nick and Emmy was more real. Oh well, hopefully I get that great reading feeling back with Silas and Lissy’s book.