A review by petra_reads
Dead Time by D. L. Orton


My original Dead Time audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.

The third book in the “Between Two Evils” series starts off right where [b:Lost Time|30119294|Lost Time (Between Two Evils, #2)|D.L. Orton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1462488827s/30119294.jpg|50544780] ended and continues the story from the perspectives of Diego, Shannon, and Lani. Diego is still in an alternate universe 20 years in the future trying to get back to his own time and his Isabel (hopefully). Shannon is held at the biodome occupied by a herd of misogynistic zealots. In the meantime, Lani wants to go rescue her daughter, Shannon, but also has to find a way of saving the inhabitants of her biodome, which is failing.
Summarizing the plot briefly is virtually impossible. There is seriously a lot going on and I don’t want to put in spoilers. To say the story line is complex would be an understatement, and to have any chance of following the plot and all the clever little nuances, these books should definitely be read in order starting with [b:Crossing in Time|24934981|Crossing in Time (Between Two Evils, #1)|D.L. Orton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1423942336s/24934981.jpg|44980455].
It’s pretty impressive how [a:D.L. Orton|13506103|D.L. Orton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1427753745p2/13506103.jpg] keeps things straight and manages to create such exciting, different worlds. I think the most amazing thing though is how real the characters feel and what they are going through. Yes, this is science fiction, time travel, apocalyptic worlds, adventure, but all the emotion involved and the way the relationships between various characters is depicted is incredible. I would highly recommend this if you enjoy stories with well-developed characters, like some romance and are not averse to exploring alternate realities.

In contrast to the second book, this one contains non-stop action. It is really fast paced and although it is twice as long as the previous book, the end came far too soon. I was enjoying it so much. Out of the three books, this one is definitely my favorite so far. The story arc regarding Shannon was absolutely terrifying and gripping. But then Ms. Orton inserts little breathers and some humor. I loved the scenes between Diego and Isabel and how the banter between them, reminiscent to book 1, came back to life here.

But I would also like to add a trigger warning: some scenes depict violence against women, which sensitive readers/listeners may find disturbing.

I was happy that this one didn’t end in a mighty cliff-hanger. The ending was very satisfactory and left you with a promise of more excitement and adventure. I am very curious to find out what’s next in store for Diego (and Isabel). I’m hoping the fourth book will be out soon!

Noah Michael Levine and Erin deWard continue to narrate the series. I have praised their teamwork, their timing, their accents, their consistently fantastic voices often enough, I don’t know what else I could possibly add. Their narration makes this story come to life in a very special way. Full stars.

There were no problems with the production of the audio.
Audiobook provided for review by the audiobookreviewer.com