A review by exorcismemily
Lies She Told by Cate Holahan


I hate not enjoying ARCs, but I am not a fan of this one. I'm going to do this without spoilers even though it's difficult.

There are two stories in this book - one is the main character's story, and the other is a story written by the main character. I don't know how it will look in the final copy, but there were not any different fonts, chapter headings, etc. in the ARC to help the reader tell the difference between the chapters. It made things difficult. The stories have a lot of similarities, and it was sometimes confusing to keep up with whose story was whose.

The book was quite slow until about halfway, and once the action started, it felt forced. Nothing about this story seemed natural - it was too planned out. I think if the book would have been one story, or if the character's book had just been one page at the beginning of the chapter (i.e. Fangirl & The Weight of Lies), it would have gone over much better.

The end of this book was a whole bunch of random things thrown together. I did not like the direction this story went in. There was not enough information on some things, and too much information on some unnecessary things. This book was an excellent concept, and I would try another book by this author; this one just really wasn't for me. The main character writes "romance suspense", and this really seemed more like that than a thriller to me. It was a novel about babies and marriage disguised as a mystery. I think that's absolutely fine for a lot of readers, but it's not my vibe.

Thank you to NetGalley, Crooked Lane Books, and Cate Holahan for the galley in exchange for an honest review.