A review by crowyhead
Poe's Children: The New Horror by Peter Straub


The title of this book misled me slightly, because I was thinking of "new horror" as in "new stories," rather than "stories in a new style of horror" -- and thus was surprised at first to find that some of the stories were at least 25 years old. It speaks to Straub's editorial skills, however, that the older stories blend seamlessly with the newer ones, and for the most part if I hadn't already been familiar with a few of the older stories, I might have thought they were brand new.

Most of the stories in this collection fall into the "weird and unsettling" category, rather than being out-and-out scary. Not all will be to everyone's taste, but there are a lot of gems here, and this is an excellent collection that I would recommend to those who enjoy weird literary fiction and speculative fiction, as well as horror fans.