A review by intorilex
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed


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I thoroughly enjoyed these wonderful poems. Similar to milk and honey by Rupi Kaur's minimalist style, the poems were short but multilayered and memorable. The voice and thought brought to the form was unique and thought provoking. The topics covered ranged from race, immigration, growth and womanhood. Each poem taught me to reflect and approach seemingly familiar topics critically, breaking them down into tangible bites that were worth more then the sum of there parts.

I recommend this to everyone who appreciates  poetry, and relishes the art of well put together prose. I read through this in one sitting and was blown away by Nayyirah's ability to bring the truth and pain of existing as a women to the page. This is a wonderful primer on the  ways that black women exist and survive in a society that usually thinks for them and of them last. The cover is pure white, and so the book quickly got marked up by being around my bag and flipped through on my dresser. But I liked that the book made room to be marked by the world around it, just like we all are.