A review by kristenbooks
The Quillan Games by D.J. MacHale


First read: May, 2007
Re-read: July 22, 2014

Although this is technically a fantasy novel, the world of Quillan definitely has a dystopian feel. I absolutely love dytopians, but the one thing that I typically complain about is that the world wasn't developed enough. I love learning all about the worlds that dystopians are set in. What most people call an "info dump" I think of as a really interesting learning section. Fortunately, what DJ MacHale does best is world-building. And this world is incredibly interesting and well-developed. It's one of my favorite territories in the series. And the plot is really exciting too. I love seeing all of the different challenges and competitors. Going into this book the 2nd time, I considered it to be my favorite in the series. It's fallen a couple slots, but that's mostly because there were a couple books that I ended up liking more than I remembered the first time. Overall, I really like the plot and the world.

9/10 (4.5/5)