A review by jayvall
The Art of French Kissing by Kristin Harmel


Emma Sullivan thinks her life is, if not perfect, certainly headed that way. She has a great job doing public relations for a music company, and she’s engaged to the perfect man. However, on the night of their one-year anniversary of moving in together, Emma’s fiancé dumps her. To add insult to injury, he also asks her to move out of the house they bought together. And, to top it all off, Emma finds out that he’s been sleeping with her best friend! Just when Emma thought things couldn’t get any worse, she loses her job as well.

With nowhere to turn and no job to go back to, Emma calls her best friend Poppy, who lives and works in Paris. Poppy runs her own public relations company and has just landed a job promoting the hottest French singer, Guillame. Knowing that Emma is in need of a friend, Poppy convinces Emma to move to Paris and work with her to promote Guillame’s new English-language record. It sounds like an opportunity of a lifetime to Emma, so she packs up and heads across the Atlantic to the city of lights. What she doesn’t realize going in is that working with Guillame is nothing like she expected, and Poppy has a plan to help her forget all about her ex-fiancé: learn the art of French kissing from the men who invented it.

The Art of French Kissing was a fast and fun story about a woman who thought she lost everything, only to find it all in Paris. The story moves along quickly, and while it never attains page-turner status, it held my attention well enough. Though the story focuses mainly on Emma’s adjustment to her new life in Paris, there is a romantic subplot.

Whether the ending is believable will depend on how much the reader is willing to buy into the strength of the subplot.