A review by ameserole
Preppy: The Life & Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two by T.M. Frazier


The bow is back bitches!

I was waiting - WAITING - for Preppy to be well Preppy. He isn't himself if he isn't wearing a damn bow. So when he got one towards the end, well, it's safe to say that I scared the living shit out of my dogs with my screaming. Screams of joy people. Screams of freaking joy.

Besides that, I wasn't a huge fan of the unnecessary drama going on between Preppy and Dre. Mostly because it was all caused due to lack of communication. Everyone and their mother is out their assuming shit instead of just talking. I wanted to slap people so many times.. but it's cool. I kept my cool guys.

Other than that, I liked getting to meet Bo. Sucks that his mom likes drugs more than him but I'm hoping he can start to live while being with Preppy and Dre. Ya know.. in part three since the cliffhanger in this one doesn't make things all happy or anything.

I have so many questions and I demand answers right now.
Give me happiness in the next book or nothing.