A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Curse of the Dark Prince by Ariana Nash


"Vasili Caville is a monster."

" Because nobody gave him a choice."

Well that marks the end of the amazing Prince's Assassin series and whoa what an ending it was. It was bloody, jarring, and littered with tiny glimpses of emotions. With so many lies and backstabbing along the way I spent the majority of the book wondering who was going to betray them next, Vasili included. You never knew what that man was thinking...until this book. We finally get to hear from the man himself as this book is dual POV. So much goes on behind the mask that is the Prince and I fell for the beautiful man hidden behind it just as Niko did. There is a reason for everything Vasili does, even if it goes against what the man truly wants in his heart.

" He had not meant to fall in love with Nikolas Yazdan. Use him, yes. But never love him."

Niko has a huge task ahead of him. He needs to destroy the flame, without destroying the man he loves. That is quite an undertaking as the flame lives within not only Vasili, but himself as well. Plans are made and plans blow up in their faces. It's par for the course with these two. It is only Vasili who has always seen the true ending. He's been pulling the strings since that first meeting in the bar and as usual he refuses to be swayed. Vasili knows the endgame and he has always made it clear that happily ever after was never going to be the life for him and Niko.

"He'd keep his word because it was all he had left to give the man he loved."

As their paths forge on, old enemies become allies. Nikolas becomes resigned to Vasilis fate, and of course the ever colorful Yasir is there to help along the way. I doubt even the brilliant mind of Vasili could have predicted what happens in the end. 5 stars