A review by literary_chaos
Tempting Fate by April White


Orignal Review can be found at: www.literarychaos.com

I was ecstatic when I found out April White’s first book, Marking Time, was going to be part of a series, and even more excited when April White asked me to review it for her. I can honestly say I was blown away by the second installment of The Immortal Descendants. It exceeded every expectation I had for this novel.

I absolutely love April White’s writing style. She has so much voice and description to her writing that it makes it easy to lose yourself within the pages of her books. Her novels take the reader on an adventure. She creates a new and exciting world within our own that leaves the reader hooked and wanting more.

White brings back all of the characters that I came to love while reading the first novel, as well as adding some new witty and brazen characters. I said in my review of Marking Time that Ringo is my favorite, and while that still holds true, I absolutely loved Elizabeth Tudor and her ladies in waiting. Elizabeth was so spunky, and for lack of a better term bad ass, I couldn't help but fall in love with her character. I thought it was amazing how she took a person from history and portrayed her in a way I would never have expected.

I am so excited for Saira’s next adventure, and to see what time period she and her friends will end up in next. The end of this book has left me wanting more. I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in the series to come out.