A review by mostlyfated
Where Shadows Dance by C.S. Harris


I skipped Book 5 mainly because I just didn't want to read about Sebastian and Kat Boleyn again (ugh...there are times where I just want to smack Sebastian) and so glad I did. If you're a fan if Hero Jarvis, or root for the Hero and Sebastian relationship, then Where Shadows Dance(Book 6) is the one to read after Where Serpents Sleep (Book 4). Skip Book 5 unless you want to read all the boring details about Sebastian and Kat Boleyn and the whys, hows, of that doomed relationship. C.S. Harris once again did a fantastic job weaving historical events/facts into her story to create a world where our characters inhabit.

In Where Shadows Dance Sebastian is once again on hunt to solve a mystery which involves a few dead bodies (of diplomats and spies) and the lead up to the War of 1812 between England and the U.S. Hero and Sebastian once again are reunited after Hero consented to marrying Sebastian. However, there is tension in their relationship as the reader is seeing Hero's loyalty to her father (Charles Jarvis and Sebastian's enemy) and that of her feelings and new loyalty towards Sebastian are tested. I love how each book reveals another layer of bravery and intimate detail about Hero that makes her such a wonderful partner for Sebastian. Definitely looking forward to seeing how Sebastian and Hero's relationship will progress once they are married and their relationship with Lord Charles Jarvis.