A review by kara_hildebrand
Grind by Sawyer Bennett


Grind is the second installment of Sawyer Bennett's new Legal Affairs serial. Clash left off with Macy offering herself up to Cal. He tried to say no, even did a few times, but he can't stay away. The sex is too good. Macy is too hot. But, he's representing her legally and he won't cross that line with a client. They make a deal to wait until the case is over. I love that this is really a dual POV serial. You get to see a hint inside of Macy via her diary. She's hurting and hiding something. Cal is hilarious, sexy and hot! They make a deal to keep seeing each other in secret and the sex is off the charts good. Some of the best scenes I have read in a while. Probably since my last Sawyer book! Cal knows that he could easily have feelings for her and when he finally sees past her snark and sass he sees sadness and secrets. Macy starts to let herself relax and just be with Cal. Something about him is different and she's different when she's with him. The pain is less, she's more in control. But, something threatens to end their affair before it's really begun. Will Cal push to help her? Can Macy tell him the truth and finally let someone into her heart? I can't wait to find out!!

I'm already addicted to it, and I've only had a few hits. She has the magical ability to suck me in deep to where I may never be able to claw my way out.

"You and Macy are not friends," Mac says with a snort.
I wince.
I'm so not good at this lying shit.
Nope. Not friends. That's for sure.
We're more…fuck budies.
Yeah, that's it.

"And…be forewarned…I'm a cuddler," I add on with a wink.
"Oh, God," she moans dramatically as she wrinkles her nose in distaste. "What have I gotten myself into?"