A review by jilly7922
Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul by Eddie S. Glaude Jr.


Overall I would rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5. This book I would put in the category of highly recommended books, and is a must read. It was eye-opening and quite inspirational. This book is one that everyone should read regardless of who they are. It is not even a matter of 'should read' it is one that everybody 'needs to read'. This review for me is going to be very difficult to write, because of the vast information, the content, and matter that is in this book. Basically, I want my review to do this book the justice that it deserves. So, where do I begin? Starting with the title, it is brilliant, it powerfully describes what this book is about. It is about the history of the struggle for equality among the black people and other minorities. It tells of the events that lead up to where we are right now in the issues that we are facing today. It discusses the every day life of how black people live. The unseen, ignored, hidden racism that this race of people live with. It gives a full definition of white supremacy, the value gap, and of what it means to be black. This book talks and discusses the changes that have been made, but as well as the changes that still need to occur. These changes have to come from every human being, and they are vital in becoming the true democracy that America stands for. You must go into reading this, in knowing that this book does not segregate race, it is a fair well balanced discussion of every race. You need to know that you may be uncomfortable while reading this book, you may even want to deny things that don't meet up to your beliefs or expectations of yourself or the community around you. All this book is asking for is a receptive, understanding, and compassionate mind. I chose this book to read mainly because I wanted to learn more and to come to an understanding of why things are the way they are. I chose this book partly due to the increase of police brutality. Mainly I chose it because I wanted answers to my questions. Why are the victims of police brutality always black? Why are the poorest neighborhoods usually compromise of black people? Why are so many unemployed? Why was I taught as a child to be afraid of black people because a lot of them were murderers? Why are they always being arrested? Why don't I see the same things in white people? This book will answer all these questions and present solutions on how to change.
This book brought forward the uncomfortable feelings, it brought forward issues of which many people don't like to talk about. It brought them forward in such a way that you couldn't ignore it, like many of us have before. It brought forward a self awareness that allowed me to refocus on being aware of my racial habits, how I too, keep the value gap from shrinking. This book is not about blame or fault. It is about change, about facing and addressing issues that need to be addressed before this change can be made. There will always be some who are going to be skeptical, reluctant and unwilling to change. We need to address the core, the blood and guts. We need to stand up, too see it at its face to address it with intent. Not until we face it and stand up to it will we be able to change.
This book brings up issues of white supremacy, racial habits, and white fear and this is the blood and guts that I am referring to. What this is referring to is first we need to open our eyes, and see, we can't be ignorant anymore. Ignorance is what creates and builds fear, fear of the unknown. Once you fought this ignorance can you challenge and not be blinded by white supremacy the belief that white people are valued more. Once your vision comes back then we can address and change our racial habits such as clutching your purse as you pass a black man/woman, or labeling unemployed black people as being lazy, and takers.
This book is a call to action. What are you going to do? Will the fear consume you or will it liberate you? It's your choice. We need to take the same risks that the author took in writing this book in order to be able to change. We need to be brave like him. We need to answer this call.
For those of you, who want to read an excerpt from this book CLICK HERE or to purchase a copy of this book CLICK HERE.
This book was published on January 12, 2016 by Crown Publishing Group.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. I would like to thank Blogging for Books, Eddie S. Glaude Jr, and Crown publishing group for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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