A review by katykelly
The Never List by Koethi Zan


4.5 stars.

A cleverly constructed story. Alternating chapters between the years when Sarah and three other girls are kidnapped and held captive in a cellar with the time ten years after, when their captor is about to be up for parole. This way you can 'enjoy' (though that's not the word!) the dark and frightening cellar scenes knowing that they do escape.

But that's not to say the danger is over...

Without delving further into the plot after they escape, Sarah and Jennifer are safety-conscious students, aware of danger and threat but caught anyway (making a silly mistake). Two other girls are also trapped by a very clever and dangerous man. Years later, none have truly recovered, but all must relive their painful memories to keep him locked up and to solve the puzzle of how and why it all happened.

Very tense, very scary, with just enough detail of the cellar years to disgust without being graphic. A shocking story, once the truths come out. Everyone, it appears, has secrets. And a very assured and competent debut. I raced through it in a couple of days, keen to unravel the whole story.