A review by inkstndfngrs
The Secret of the Mansion by Julie Campbell


I recently re-read this book for the first time since I was probably 9 years old. My Mom was a big mystery reader as a kid, so Trixie and Nancy were always available in my house growing up. I remember putting down Trixie in favor of the Boxcar Children, and then going on to Nancy Drew, without a look back at Trixie.

While 9 year old me was a pretty decent fan of Trixie, 29 year old me is not...particularly enthralled. Mostly, it's the time shift and the writing of the era. Everything is "Golly gee!" and self-created drama (Case and point: Jim, calm down. Talk to an actual grown up, please?)

However, I do think that the world could use an updated Trixie. Crabapple Farm would make a delightful television show. Updating Honey to a today's troubled little rich girl would be extremely entertaining in my view. We've refreshed Nancy Drew how many times now? Let's give Trixie Belden and Honey Wheeler their next fifteen minutes.