A review by books_and_planners
Eat Only When You're Hungry: A Novel by Lindsay Hunter


This book was just odd. I got it from BOTM almost 2 years ago & I forgot what it was about. I guess I just always assumed it was a nonfiction/memoir type of book about food or a person's relationship with food. I was prompted to read it for a readathon & because it is fairly short. I was surprised that it was in fact fiction & the protagonist is a male with an eating disorder. I'm terrible with character names, but I think his name is Greg. So Greg's son, GJ, is a drug addict who has recently gone missing. Greg sets out in an RV to find him, but it's not only a quest to find his son, but a lot of reflecting on his own life. Greg had a rough upbringing which contributes to a lot of his own mental health disorders, as well as a really screwed up relationship with his first wife, GJ's mom. This was just a bizarre story. It wasn't horrible, just weird. I would recommend it, but to a specific audience.