A review by rjordan19
A Midnight Dance by Lila DiPasqua


I wasn't sure if this book was erotica when I got it. I'm actually not even sure of the definition of a regular HR versus erotica haha but I wouldn't consider it erotica. I would think with that, sex is the point of the story. And while there is lots and lots of very detailed scenes in this book, there is a plot that it follows.

The sex is very heavy in the beginning of the book. First scene is before 15%, and I think there's 2-3 more very, very long wink wink scenes by 40%. After the halfway mark the plot really picks up and the relationship building starts a bit more. There's also some action and a mystery going on. So if you tend to skip over books that are sex heavy, or prefer clean versions, this book probably isn't for you. And while I enjoyed it, there was soooo much sex, and so early before there were any feels or relationship building, for me it was 4 stars. Although I will say I was pleasantly surprised by the story. I would definitely try her again (And good thing, because I bought like 6 of her novellas hahaha)

This story is a loose take on the fairy tale Cinderella. Sabine, while not noble, has been born into wealth and has an amazing life with her family. Her father owns a theater and she grows up performing/practicing behind the scenes with her twin sister, watching the aristocracy, and ever impatiently awaiting her debut into society so she can gain a titled husband. Jules de Moutier in particular.

However, this story takes place in the 1600's in France, and tomorrow is not guaranteed. The book jumps ahead and you are brought into Sabine's world utterly changed. People have fought back against the king and unrest is still felt within the nation. Sabine's family has lost the theater, their wealth, her father is dead and everyone says her twin sister is as well. She is alone in attempting to care for the remnants of her family and tries a daring plan to bring them enough silver to pay off their staggering debts to the crown and live a life free of fear of arrest.

Jules has also had everything taken from him. In very similar straits as Sabine, he is attempting to gain everything he is entitled to as well as seeking revenge against those who have wronged him and his father's memory.

I really liked both Jules and Sabine. I thought Jules was a great hero. He was very caring and sweet with Sabine and my heart rather broke for him towards the middle of the story. Yet he is also hard and commanding and take charge. Both characters I thought were just well rounded and enjoyable, I felt like I was really getting to know them and there was depth. I guess I had lower expectations for that going into the story.

I don't really LOVE mysteries, but I didn't mind this one. I was really looking forward to some plot movement after all the sex in the beginning haha. So I thought it was a great story, but ideally I would still prefer more feels and I definitely prefer the waiting and wanting before the sex happens.

I loved that it took place in the 1600s and in France. It just felt different than all the 1800s London I've been reading and it was a nice change.